It's funny that Progressives (aka duh wōk) often ape the language of mid 20th century anticolonialist discourse. Yet those same progs are themselves the vanguard of a new colonialism - the cultural colonialism of the nascent global regime.
What a joyless, punitive, moralistic and simpleminded ideology/theology has conquered our country!
Let's see: they make grandiose claims based around some Platonic form of Egalitarianism, infiltrate any and every organization and denounce its prior leaders for lack of revolutionary zeal and crimes against the people, staff those organizations with True Believers who may not be competent but are ruthless and loyal to the cause, denounce and attempt to destroy any dissenters or opponents, refuse to debate or acknowledge any inconvenient facts, have their eyes on their imagined utopia and believe that their ideology can never fail but can only be failed, yet when it comes right down to it they seem to be most concerned with gaining power, wielding power, using their power to punish.
Hmmm seems familiar...where have we seen this before?
I really am hesitant to throw around the Marxist/Communist charge, but if it walks like Marx, quacks like we are, Welcome to Soviet America!
Hence we get train wrecks and chemical mushroom clouds, and planes nearly crashing into other planes and broken supply lines, because the Dept of Transportation and Pete "Going to save America" Bootie is only concerned about rooting out white supremacy.
In La Leche League (65-year-old mother to mother breastfeeding support group), there has always been an understood policy of not "mixing causes", which is one secret to this organization's long success. By focusing on providing breastfeeding support, information and encouragement to women and not commenting on other issues (abortion, vaccinations, etc.) many diverse groups of women have benefitted. Well no longer:
Wokeness is over thinking every word, phrase and thing until it is so complicated only those in the woke cult know what is going on... some of the time. It is taking political correctness and decision by group to the other end of the spectrum that most of us know. Headology for headology's sake.
Life is far too short for the average person to bother their bahookie with this nonsense and public bodies on both sides of the pond need to tell them "to go get a life"!
I don't... But the majority of the general public don't believe their crap! And they might try to impse their will but most tell them to be quiet and grow up.
Lots of strong analysis, as usual! Two points to consider:
1) Progressives DO seek (something closer to a) level playing field--but DON'T seek equal outcomes. Providing safe, sufficient housing to those who can't afford it doesn't result in all Americans having equally nice houses, for example.
2) The push for providing housing and Internet access as matters of public health is very much based in cold, hard reality! Nothing has a more negative impact on health and well-being than houselessness. Data shows that providing people housing saves the government much bigger cost overruns in health care, food subsidies, policing of the homeless, incarceration, etc.
Opposing data-driven policy because it *seems woke* would be no less detached from reality than the philosophy you describe!
I don't think I've ever seen such a classic example of Reynold's Law:
"The government decides to try to increase the middle class by subsidizing things that middle class people have: If middle-class people go to college and own homes, then surely if more people go to college and own homes, we’ll have more middle-class people. But homeownership and college aren’t causes of middle-class status, they’re markers for possessing the kinds of traits — self-discipline, the ability to defer gratification, etc. — that let you enter, and stay, in the middle class. Subsidizing the markers doesn’t produce the traits; if anything, it undermines them."
"Progressives DO seek (something closer to a) level playing field--but DON'T seek equal outcomes. Providing safe, sufficient housing to those who can't afford it doesn't result in all Americans having equally nice houses, for example."
Ah, but no---that is, unless you can separate out a subset of today's progressives who "only" want everyone to have a decent place to live from those who will never be satisfied unless we reach Utopia. Especially because there's no power to be seized in a society where everyone gets along and everyone is content with their basic needs being met.
For the Woke, for the Marxists, for the devoted followers of the Cult of Envy and Bitterness and Nihilism and Angry Revolution, there is no such thing as "Wow, we finally reached the place where every American can afford to buy or rent a decent place to live. We're done!"
We all know that if we stop to think about it for 30 seconds. Who gets to live in Malibu? Who gets the mountainside chalet overlooking Aspen? Who gets to live in Detroit in the two bedroom "decent" apartment with the noisy upstairs neighbors and the bus stop right outside their living room window? It's impossible this side of Heaven to get equal outcomes in any dimension of life. We can agree as a society to TRY to facilitate or incentivize certain desirable outcomes, and that's hard enough to do---but we can only get so far, so fast.
Getting enough rest and being alert and calm are certainly contributors to safer driving, but if you car mechanic took it on himself to prescribe sleeping pills and soothing music, it would be clear that he was operating outside his remit of fixing the dents in your bumper.
This is very informative... but lots of editing needed!
It's funny that Progressives (aka duh wōk) often ape the language of mid 20th century anticolonialist discourse. Yet those same progs are themselves the vanguard of a new colonialism - the cultural colonialism of the nascent global regime.
but those guys were bad, they are good (and righteous and holy)...
i wish i were being glib, but this is the same thoughts all fundamentalists have.
What a joyless, punitive, moralistic and simpleminded ideology/theology has conquered our country!
Let's see: they make grandiose claims based around some Platonic form of Egalitarianism, infiltrate any and every organization and denounce its prior leaders for lack of revolutionary zeal and crimes against the people, staff those organizations with True Believers who may not be competent but are ruthless and loyal to the cause, denounce and attempt to destroy any dissenters or opponents, refuse to debate or acknowledge any inconvenient facts, have their eyes on their imagined utopia and believe that their ideology can never fail but can only be failed, yet when it comes right down to it they seem to be most concerned with gaining power, wielding power, using their power to punish.
Hmmm seems familiar...where have we seen this before?
I really am hesitant to throw around the Marxist/Communist charge, but if it walks like Marx, quacks like we are, Welcome to Soviet America!
Hence we get train wrecks and chemical mushroom clouds, and planes nearly crashing into other planes and broken supply lines, because the Dept of Transportation and Pete "Going to save America" Bootie is only concerned about rooting out white supremacy.
In La Leche League (65-year-old mother to mother breastfeeding support group), there has always been an understood policy of not "mixing causes", which is one secret to this organization's long success. By focusing on providing breastfeeding support, information and encouragement to women and not commenting on other issues (abortion, vaccinations, etc.) many diverse groups of women have benefitted. Well no longer:
Wokeness is over thinking every word, phrase and thing until it is so complicated only those in the woke cult know what is going on... some of the time. It is taking political correctness and decision by group to the other end of the spectrum that most of us know. Headology for headology's sake.
Life is far too short for the average person to bother their bahookie with this nonsense and public bodies on both sides of the pond need to tell them "to go get a life"!
You underestimate the woke. It is not mere nonsense, but a fanatical world view, absolutely intent on imposing its will on everyone and everything.
I don't... But the majority of the general public don't believe their crap! And they might try to impse their will but most tell them to be quiet and grow up.
Lots of strong analysis, as usual! Two points to consider:
1) Progressives DO seek (something closer to a) level playing field--but DON'T seek equal outcomes. Providing safe, sufficient housing to those who can't afford it doesn't result in all Americans having equally nice houses, for example.
2) The push for providing housing and Internet access as matters of public health is very much based in cold, hard reality! Nothing has a more negative impact on health and well-being than houselessness. Data shows that providing people housing saves the government much bigger cost overruns in health care, food subsidies, policing of the homeless, incarceration, etc.
Opposing data-driven policy because it *seems woke* would be no less detached from reality than the philosophy you describe!
I don't think I've ever seen such a classic example of Reynold's Law:
"The government decides to try to increase the middle class by subsidizing things that middle class people have: If middle-class people go to college and own homes, then surely if more people go to college and own homes, we’ll have more middle-class people. But homeownership and college aren’t causes of middle-class status, they’re markers for possessing the kinds of traits — self-discipline, the ability to defer gratification, etc. — that let you enter, and stay, in the middle class. Subsidizing the markers doesn’t produce the traits; if anything, it undermines them."
"Progressives DO seek (something closer to a) level playing field--but DON'T seek equal outcomes. Providing safe, sufficient housing to those who can't afford it doesn't result in all Americans having equally nice houses, for example."
Ah, but no---that is, unless you can separate out a subset of today's progressives who "only" want everyone to have a decent place to live from those who will never be satisfied unless we reach Utopia. Especially because there's no power to be seized in a society where everyone gets along and everyone is content with their basic needs being met.
For the Woke, for the Marxists, for the devoted followers of the Cult of Envy and Bitterness and Nihilism and Angry Revolution, there is no such thing as "Wow, we finally reached the place where every American can afford to buy or rent a decent place to live. We're done!"
We all know that if we stop to think about it for 30 seconds. Who gets to live in Malibu? Who gets the mountainside chalet overlooking Aspen? Who gets to live in Detroit in the two bedroom "decent" apartment with the noisy upstairs neighbors and the bus stop right outside their living room window? It's impossible this side of Heaven to get equal outcomes in any dimension of life. We can agree as a society to TRY to facilitate or incentivize certain desirable outcomes, and that's hard enough to do---but we can only get so far, so fast.
Getting enough rest and being alert and calm are certainly contributors to safer driving, but if you car mechanic took it on himself to prescribe sleeping pills and soothing music, it would be clear that he was operating outside his remit of fixing the dents in your bumper.