That was excellent, thank you.

At first the image I had in my head was of a Soviet commissar but by the end the image I had in my head was of one of those insects that attaches itself to another insect, paralyzes it, then lives off their blood and protein.

I don't want to overstate the historical parallel, but this moment strikes me as analogous to the Chinese Cultural Revolution (excepting of course that that was much more violent). From what I've read (in broad strokes), Mao felt he was losing power to certain rivals, got paranoid like all dictators do, and unleashed a storm of true-believing college kids (the Red Guard) to denounce and attack anyone insufficiently loyal to him/the Party (Struggle Sessions and the destruction of the 4 Olds: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits).

Our Lite version is also a top-down affair, was also incited by a ruling class terrified of losing power (the global corporate uniparty after 2016 and Trump/Brexit), also involved a fully state-funded and -backed attack on the same 4 Olds in the name of Justice/Equality, and also featured vindictive zealots given carte blanche to denounce opponents and heretics for crimes against the reigning ideology.

I think the Chinese Cultural Revolution lasted about a decade and only ended with much bloodshed. Hopefully ours doesn't turn out the same way.

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Great summary. I think those perpetuating this societal disease will need to feel some threat to their future well-being like they do to others before it will end. I think that is starting for the reason that many businesses have had enough. They cannot survive and grow with these toxic employees and the end to merit based hiring and promotion.

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Every damned word of this is true. Thank you Wokal!

This is exactly how woke cultists took over the local bike coalition:

First the staff brought in a diversity grifter who put together a “mobility justice toolkit” saying the organization was white supremacist


Then they went in trying to change the size of the board of directors to promote DIE, to have a “democratically elected” board, and to create a more “progressive intersectional” bicycle advocacy organization, etc.


It was revealed later that the real reason was to remove board members of the wrong viewpoints and identity characteristics:



The supporters could never define their fake DIE religion terms either.


They encouraged people to join the organization just to vote for the changes


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An excellent analysis. I believe you are on the right track. However, might I suggest that you find a decent copy editor or at least proofreader? The number of grammatical errors was distracting and tends to undercut the power of your message. Also, as a positive start to your Substack, I hope you will publish your initial four-part analysis as available to all, not just to paid subscribers. This will enable you to get off to good start attracting a readership. I plan to spread word of your work to my friends. Best of luck.

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Just when I think I have learned all of the woke terms, I just discovered the insufferable are now saying male bodied people as one can't just simply say boys anymore.

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This is an amazing piece. You do a really good job of explaining what the terms Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mean from a Critical Social Justice lens. Often, when folks hear the words they think that what is being talked about are things we would all agree with on principle. But, the meaning that is in use by these toxic individuals is far more sinister. Thank you for shining a light. Having the language to name and describe is crucial and with tools like this article we can begin to more critically question and examine what people mean when they use these terms. For folks who would like to know more about racial equity and what that means and various ways of looking at it, I would point to my recent essay on Race Ideology-in-Practice: Racial Equity in American Learning Environments at: https://freeblackthought.substack.com/p/race-ideology-in-practice

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This is how birth and breastfeeding groups are taken over by TRAs. Because of course men who claim to be women still can't get pregnant, but they sure get off on the thought of breastfeeding (someone's) baby. Not theirs of course, unless you count that one sperm.

Read this: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/leaked-document-reveals-inclusive and this https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/leaked-document-reveals-inclusive-2d9 to see how gender ideologists took over a 65-year-old organization that was founded by women to give mother to mother help for breastfeeding support. Now that includes watching men on zoom meetings masturbating on camera while mothers and their babies have come along to ask questions and get support and information. Because those men identify as women.

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An excellent summary, but readers may want to think about how we got here. Was it because of ideologues taking over, or was it because straight white men were so awful to anyone else for so long that everyone else got fed up and demanded hiring by "diversity" criteria.

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